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Table 2 Freezing time, freezing rate, and energy removal of crawfish minced meat

From: Influence of energy removal rate on the quality of minced meat from undersized crawfish during frozen storage

Freezing method

Freezing time (min)

Freezing rate (оC min −1)

Energy removal (J s − 1)


4.40 ± 0.33b

5.47 ± 0.41a

1005.86 ± 75.43a


192.37 ± 12.37a

0.13 ± 0.01b

22.87 ± 1.47b

  1. a-bMeans ± SD that have no superscript in common within a column are significantly different from each other (P < 0.05). CF cryogenic freezing and BF air blast freezing