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Table 2 Summary of uses and therapeutic benefits of garden cress seed and its functional food products

From: Nutritional, health benefits and toxicity of underutilized garden cress seeds and its functional food products: a review


Uses/ major components

Health benefits


Raw whole seed

Powder form of GC seed extracted in various solvents

Hepato-protective effects, fracture healing effect, antihypertensive and diuretic effect, treating breast cancer, hypoglycemic effect, antidiarrheal activity

Shail et al. 2016; Yadav et al. 2011; Maghrani et al. 2005; Mahassni & Al-Reemi 2013; Eddouks et al. 2005; Manohar et al. 2009

Raw whole seed

-Powder form, with out solvent extract

Hypocholesterolemic effect, bronchial asthma, galactogogue effect

Kadam et al. 2012; Paranjape & Mehta 2006; Sarkar et al. 2014,

GC seed mixed with other ingredients

-Bruised GC seed mixed with lime juice

-GC seed powder mixed with coconut kernel and molasses

-Mixed with little millet in the production of flakes

- Corn flour, moth bean and GC flour

- GC seed mixed with green gram, ghee, wheat flour and jiggery

- Boiled GC seed mixed with sugar, skimmed milk, fat, sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose

-Production of GC seed supplemented ladoo, namakpare, biscuit and cookies

-GC seed powder mixed with water, salt, lemon, pieces of injera and garlic in Ethiopia

-Reduce inflammation and rheumatic pain

-Treatment of anemia

- Enhances the iron, protein and trans-fat free flakes

-Production of iron and calcium rich corn extruded snacks

-Production of iron and calcium rich Indian traditional foods

- Production of iron rich healthy drinks for malnourished people and building muscle

- Production of high protein, fiber iron, potassium, calcium and antioxidant content of food products

-Avoid bad evil, treatment of stomachache, prevent infection, abdominal pain and toothache

Falana et al. 2014

Sarkar et al. 2014

Kotagi et al. 2013

Sisodia 2016

Jain, Grover, & Grewal 2016

Ghosh 2012

Rana & Kaur 2016; Yadav et al. 2018; Alshehry 2019

Berehe & Boru 2014; Gebremedhin 2008

GC seed oil, and microencapsulated omega-3 fatty acid

GC seed oil blended with sunflower, rice bran, sesame

Production of omega three rich blended products and biscuits used in modulation of lipid metabolism

Umesha & Naidu 2012; Umesha et al. 2015

  1. GC Garden cress