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Table 2 Yield and DPPH radical-scavenging activities of M. charantia and I. aquatica extracts

From: Bioactive polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant potentials of two leafy vegetables in Bangladesh: the Momordica charantia and the Ipomoea aquatica


Yield (%)

DPPH scavenging activity (IC50, µg/mL)

Regression equation of % Inhibition (r2)


16.59 ± 0.42

333.22 ± 67 .37a

Y = 14.75ln(x)-35.68

r2 = 0.976


14.16 ± 0.27

560.74 ± 10.25b

Y = 12.27ln(x)-27.66

r2 = 0.987

Ascorbic acid


16.08 ± 0.96c

Y = 14.55ln(x) + 9.58

r2 = 0.883

  1. The same letter (s) on the top of the IC50 of the same experiment did not differ significantly at the 5% level of significance